Puppy Patch
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Puppy plans for 2025
At this stage I am looking to have a litter with Rikki and if Al goes according to plan, may have puppies available around July this year.
If you are intereseted in going on the wait list for a puppy from Kamunyak, please contact me with an outline of what you are looking for and what you can offer a dog. I take the responsibility of breeding, raising and homing puppies seriously and hope that you have given similar consideration to the decision of wanting to add a German Shepherd puppy to your family
Please note that initial contact via text message will not necessarily be responded to!
If you are looking to dedicate yourself to the lifetime care and companionship of a dog please make the effort to either email or call. Likewise, simple inquiries of "do you have pups how much" without any background information may not be followed up on or a request for further information may be made.
Please consider including some general information such as the following:
- Contact details, inlcuding full name, contact numbers and general location
- Please tell me how you came across my kennel (if someone referred you it's nice to have that feedback)
- Tell me about any other pets in the family and about your family members
- What is your home environment for the puppy
- What role do you hope the puppy will fill in your life (family companion, sport/competition or service dog)
- What does your dream dog look like in terms of appearance, character and temperament?
- Are you looking for a male or female and why? What is your preferred coat type?
- Do you intend to use the puppy in a breeding program?
- What is the timeframe you are hoping to take a puppy home in?
- What is the intended training that you will undertake with the puppy and where will you do this? (if you need assistance or advice please dont hesitate to say so as I may be able to guide you)
- Tell us what your relevant experience is with large breed dogs, or any dogs
There are no right or wrong answers, it simply helps finding the right match and supplying information if required to assist you moving forward
Puppies at Kamunyak are raised in a home environment with socialisation as appropriate including ENS.
As a general rule the following applies:
As a general rule the following applies:
- Handled from birth
- Wormed from 2 weeks of age
- Early Neurological Stimulation
- Early socialisation/environmental enrichment program including exposure to a range of sights, sounds and sensations
- Introduction to a variety of concepts including lead/collar, clicker and a whistle recall
- Vaccination and microchips at 6 to 7 weeks of age. Microchip transfer into your name with the Pet Registrar, council registration is your responsibility
- ANKC/Dogs Victoria registration (both parents are xrayed as clear for hip/elbow dysplacia to enable registration)
- Dogs Victoria contract
- Puppy food to go home with
- Information folder containing paperwork on parents and general documents on a variety of topics
- Available to their new homes from 8 weeks of age
Contact Details
Caro AndersonElphinstone / Castlemaine, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0437 25 00 88
Email : [email protected]