
Kira has achieved a huge amount in her life and has always impressed me with her sound character, reliable performance and willingness to work. She has now earned the right to retirement and the ability to enjoy her days however she pleases. Thank you Kira for everything you have done with me and for me.

Kira has proven herself consistently in both show and trial and gained her Utility Dog title in the same year we started working towards it which, as we learned together on that journey, was a good result.
I am hugely proud of Kira and her UD title and another High in Trial!

Kira has now obtained her CDX title with Excellent scores including two Highest scort in Trial awards.

Very excited to say that Kira has obtained her UD obedience title at 6 years of age in just 6 months. So proud of her and chuffed to have achieved her third pass winning the ring and also being awarded High in trial

Her highlights would be:

Australian Champion by the age of 2
Obedience Companion Dog title shortly after
2nd in Junior Adelaide National 2013
Winner of Novice with 198 and Gold Medal Obedience winner Canberra National 2014
16th in Intermediate Canberra National 2014
Winner of the Rick Richardson and David O'Rourke trophies Canberra National 2014
Dual performance winner Victorian State Breed Show with Excellent in show and trail in 2015 and 2016
Excellent and 3rd Novice at Melbourne National 2015
Excellent and 17th Open bitch at Melbourne National 2015
Winner of the David O'Rourke trophy Melbourne National 2015
10th Place Open bitch 2016 National and her Herding Instinct Test
High in Trial in Open obedience 2016 through to 2019

State Breed Show and trial 2018: Excellent in both trial and show. First place in obedience and second in show (First EXC) giving her the Dual Performance again

2018 started and gained her Utility Dog title in obedience

2019 went back to Rally and gained her Rally Masters title with multiple perfect scores of 100/100

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CH Volscain Akira AZ UD, RM, HIT BSCL1 Multi EXC in show and trial
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Contact Details

Caro Anderson
Elphinstone / Castlemaine, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0437 25 00 88
Email : [email protected]